About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations at the Institute of Mathematics at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany.

I am developing algorithms and software for scientific computing in the following research fields:

  1. high-performance computing: matrix-free computations, dynamic sparse communication patterns, node-level optimization

  1. iterative solvers: multigrid, block preconditioners

  1. efficient algorithms for high-dimensional partial differential equations (e.g., 6D Vlasov-Poisson)

  1. discontinuous Galerkin methods

  1. computational fluid dynamics

  1. simulation of additive manufacturing processes including solid-state sintering and melt-pool modeling

Furthermore, I am one of the principal developers of the general-purpose finite-element library deal.II. I have participated in writing the following tutorials of deal.II: step-19, step-68 (both demonstrating the particle infrastructure), step-75 (matrix-free multigrid for hp-FEM), step-76 (matrix-free Euler solver exploiting MPI-3.0 shared-memory features), step-87 (evaluation of finite-element solutions at arbitrary points within a distributed mesh with application to two-phase flow).

For more details on my current projects, see my GitHub page: https://github.com/peterrum.


Short Biography

  1. Technical University of Berlin, Germany

    2024 —

    Postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations at the Institute of Mathematics.

  2. Uppsala University, Sweden


    Postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Scientific Computing and the Uppsala Architecture Research Team at the Department of Information Technology.

  3. University of Augsburg, Germany


    Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) with summa cum laude at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering.

    Dissertation: Matrix-free finite-element computations at extreme scale and for challenging applications.

    2022 — 2023

    Research associate and PhD student at the chair for High-Performance Scientific Computing at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering; supervisor: Prof. Martin Kronbichler.

  4. Uppsala University, Sweden

    2021 — 2022

    Visiting researcher at the Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information Technology.

  5. Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany

    2019 — 2022

    Research associate at the Institute of Material Systems Modeling in Geesthacht.

  6. Technical University of Munich, Germany

    2018 — 2022

    Research associate and PhD student at the Institute for Computational Mechanics at the TUM School of Engineering and Design; supervisor: Prof. Wolfgang A. Wall; mentor: Dr. Martin Kronbichler.


    Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computational Science and Engineering.

    Master's thesis: An efficient hybrid multigrid solver for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods.


    Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering.

    Master's thesis: MPI parallelisation of a multiphase solver and its application on cavitation bubble dynamics.


  1. Technical University of Berlin, Germany


    Teaching assistant for the course "Numerical Methods for PDEs" ("Numerik Partieller Differentialgleichungen").

  2. Uppsala University, Sweden


    Lecturer of the course "High-Performance Parallel Computing".

  3. University Of Augsburg, Germany


    Teaching assistant for the course "Numerical Linear Algebra" ("Numerische lineare Algebra").


    Teaching assistant for the course "Introduction into Data Science and Data Engineering" ("Einführung in Data Science und Data Engineering").

  4. Technical University Of Munich, Germany


    Teaching assistant for the course "Numerical Methods for Engineers" ("Numerische Methoden für Ingenieure").


Submitted manuscripts

  1. L. Prieto Saavedra, J. Archambault, P. Munch, B. Blais, An implicit large-eddy simulation study of the turbulent Taylor-Couette flow with an inner rotating cylinder, submitted, 2025.

  2. N. Margenberg, M. Bause, P. Munch, An hp multigrid approach for tensor-product space-time finite element discretizations of the Stokes equations, arXiv:2502.09159, 2025. PDF

  3. M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, N. Much, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, A consistent diffuse-interface finite element approach to rapid melt-vapor dynamics in metal additive manufacturing, arXiv:2501.18781, 2025. PDF

  4. C. Belponer, J. C. Garay, P. Munch, D. Peterseim, Super-localized Orthogonal Decomposition Method For Heterogeneous Linear Elasticity, submitted, 2025.

  5. 2024
  6. A. Alphonius, L. Barbeau, B. Blais, O. Gaboriault, O. Guévremont, J. Lamouche, P. Laurentin, O. Marquis, P. Munch, V. Oliveira Ferreira, H. Papillon-Laroche, P. A. Patience, L. Prieto Saavedra, M. Vaillant, Lethe 1.0: An open-source high-performance and high-order computational fluid dynamics software for single and multiphase flows, submitted, 2024.

  7. M. Feder, L. Heltai, M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, Matrix-free implementation of the non-nested multigrid method, available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5052200, 2024.

  8. V. Ivannikov, P. Munch, T. Ebel, R. Willumeit-Römer, C. Cyron, Introducing long-range particle interactions into phase-field models of sintering using continuum mechanics principles, submitted, 2024.

  9. L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch, B. Blais, A matrix-free stabilized solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4981567, 2024.

  10. N. Margenberg, P. Munch, A space-time multigrid method for space-time finite element discretizations of parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs, arXiv:2408.04372, 2024. PDF

Articles in peer-reviewed international journals

  1. M. Bergbauer, P. Munch, W. A. Wall, M. Kronbichler, High-performance matrix-free unfitted finite element operator evaluation, accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 2025. PDF

  2. R. Schussnig, N. Fehn, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, Matrix-free higher-order finite element methods for hyperelasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 435, 117600, 2025. DOI

  3. 2024
  4. P. C. Africa, D. Arndt, W. Bangerth, B. Blais, M. Fehling, R. Gassmöller, T. Heister, L. Heltai, S. Kinnewig, M. Kronbichler, M. Maier, P. Munch, M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, J. P. Thiele, B. Turcksin, D. Wells, V. Yushutin, The deal.II library, version 9.6, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 32(4), pp. 369-380, 2024. DOI

  5. M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, P. Munch, N. Much, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, A consistent diffuse-interface model for two-phase flow problems with rapid evaporation, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 11, article 19, 2024. DOI

  6. M. Wichrowski, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, G. Kanschat, Smoothers with localized residual computations for geometric multigrid methods, accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), arXiv:2407.02100, 2024. PDF

  7. N. Much, M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, Improved accuracy of continuum surface flux models for metal additive manufacturing melt pool simulations, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 11, article 16, 2024. DOI

  8. P. Munch, V. Ivannikov, C. Cyron, and M. Kronbichler, On the construction of an efficient finite-element solver for phase-field simulations of many-particle solid-state-sintering processes, Computational Materials Science, vol. 231, pp. 112589:1–21, 2024. DOI

  9. S.D. Proell, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W.A. Wall and C. Meier, A highly efficient computational framework for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts. Additive Manufacturing, vol. 70, pp. 1039211:18, 2024. DOI

  10. P. Munch, I. Dravins, M. Kronbichler, M. Neytcheva, Stage-parallel fully implicit Runge-Kutta implementations with optimal multilevel preconditioners at the scaling limit, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), vol. 46(2), pp. S71–S96, 2024. DOI

  11. 2023
  12. P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, Cache-optimized and low-overhead implementations of additive Schwarz methods for high-order FEM multigrid computations, The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, December 6, 2023. DOI

  13. D. Arndt, W. Bangerth, M. Bergbauer, M. Feder, M. Fehling, J. Heinz, T. Heister, L. Heltai, M. Kronbichler, M. Maier, P. Munch, J.-P. Pelteret, B. Turcksin, D. Wells, S. Zampini, The deal.II library, version 9.5, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 31(3), pp. 231-246, 2023. DOI

  14. J. Heinz, P. Munch, M. Kaltenbacher, High-order non-conforming discontinuous Galerkin methods for the acoustic conservation equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 124(9), pp. 2034–2049, 2023. DOI

  15. P. Munch, T. Heister, L. Prieto Saavedra, M. Kronbichler, Efficient distributed matrix-free multigrid methods on locally refined meshes for FEM computations, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, vol. 10(1), pp. 3:1–38, 2023. DOI

  16. S. Golshan, P. Munch, R. Gassmöller, M. Kronbichler, B. Blais, Lethe-DEM: An open-source parallel discrete element solver with load balancing, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 10(1), pp. 77–96, 2023. DOI

  17. M. Kronbichler, D. Sashko, P. Munch, Enhancing data locality of the conjugate gradient method for high-order matrix-free finite-element implementations, The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 37(2), pp. 61–81, March 2023. DOI

  18. 2022
  19. D. Arndt, W. Bangerth, M. Feder, M. Fehling, R. Gassmöller, T. Heister, L. Heltai, M. Kronbichler, M. Maier, P. Munch, JP. Pelteret, S. Sticko, B. Turcksin, D. Wells, The deal.II library, version 9.4, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 231-246, 2022. DOI

  20. N. Fehn, M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, W. A. Wall, Numerical evidence of anomalous energy dissipation in incompressible Euler flows: Towards grid-converged results for the inviscid Taylor-Green problem, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 932, pp. A40:1-37, 2022. DOI

  21. 2021
  22. D. Arndt, W. Bangerth, B. Blais, M. Fehling, R. Gassmöller, T. Heister, L. Heltai, U. Köcher, M. Kronbichler, M. Maier, P. Munch, JP. Pelteret, S. Proell, K. Simon, B. Turcksin, D. Wells, J. Zhang, The deal.II library, version 9.3, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 29(3), pp. 171-186, 2021. DOI

  23. P. Munch, K. Kormann, M. Kronbichler, hyper.deal: An efficient, matrix-free finite-element library for high-dimensional partial differential equations, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 47(4), pp. 1–34, 2021. DOI

  24. 2020
  25. D. Arndt, W. Bangerth, B. Blais, T. C. Clevenger, M. Fehling, A. V. Grayver, T. Heister, L. Heltai, M. Kronbichler, M. Maier, P. Munch, JP. Pelteret, R. Rastak, I. Thomas, B. Turcksin, Z. Wang, D. Wells, The deal.II library, version 9.2, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 28(3), pp. 131-146, 2020. DOI

  26. N. Fehn, P. Munch, W. A. Wall, M. Kronbichler, Hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 415, p. 109538, 2020. DOI

Peer-reviewed proceedings and book contributions

  1. V. Ivannikov, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, T. Ebel, Large-scale phase-field simulations of solid-state sintering of metallic powders, In: European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) (ed.) Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023. Congress & Exhibition (Euro PM 2023), vol. 1, pp. 836-843, Curran Associates, New York, 2024. DOI

  2. 2022
  3. P. Munch, K. Ljungkvist, M. Kronbichler, Efficient application of hanging-node constraints for matrix-free high-order FEM computations on CPU and GPU, In: Varbanescu, A. L., Bhatele, A., Luszczek, P., Marc, B. (eds.) High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13289, pp. 133-152, Springer, Cham, 2022. DOI

  4. 2021
  5. M. Kronbichler, N. Fehn, P. Munch, M. Bergbauer, K. R. Wichmann, C. Geitner, M. Allalen, M. Schulz, W. A. Wall, A next-generation discontinuous Galerkin fluid dynamics solver with application to high-resolution lung airflow simulations. In: SC '21: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, pp. 21:1–15, 2021. DOI

  6. 2020
  7. D. Arndt, N. Fehn, G. Kanschat, K. Kormann, M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, W. A. Wall, J. Witte, ExaDG: High-order discontinuous Galerkin for the exa-scale, In: H.-J. Bungartz, S. Reiz, B. Uekermann, P. Neumann, and W. E. Nagel (eds.), Software for Exascsale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 136. pp. 189-224, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI

Book contributions

  1. V. Ivannikov, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, C. Cyron, T. Ebel, M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, Large-scale phase-field simulations of solid-state sintering processes, In: Bastian, P., Kranzlmüller, D., Brüchle, H., Mathias, G. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering Garching/Munich 2024, pp. 74-75, Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching bei München, 2024. DOI

Technical reports

  1. M. Kronbichler, K. Kormann, N. Fehn, P. Munch, J. Witte, A Hermite-like basis for faster matrix-free evaluation of interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin operators, arXiv:1907.08492, 2019. PDF


International conference contributions with abstract

  1. L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch, B. Blais, Geometric multigrid methods for a matrix-free stabilized solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) / 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 21-26, 2024.

  2. S. D. Proell, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. Wall, C. Meier, A highly efficient computational approach for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts, 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) / 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 21-26, 2024.

  3. L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch, B. Blais, A Matrix-Free Stabilized Solver for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024. Abstract

  4. B. Blais, L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch, Investigation of the capabilities of matrix-free stablized implicit large-eddy simulation on canonical turbulent benchmarks, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024. Abstract

  5. M. Bergbauer, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. Wall, High-performance Matrix-free Operator Evaluation for Tensor-product Elements with Unstructured Quadrature, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024. Abstract

  6. M. Feder, L. Heltai, M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, Parallel and Matrix-Free Implementation of the Non-Nested Multigrid Method, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024. Abstract

  7. S. Proell, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. Wall, C. Meier, A highly efficient computational approach for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts, 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-7, 2024. Abstract

  8. I. Dravins, K. Kormann, M. Kronbichler, M. Neytcheva, P. Munch, S. Serra-Capizzano, O. Axelsson, Block-Preconditioning Techniques for Fully Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24), 2024, Paris, France, May 13-17, 2024. Abstract

  9. 2023
  10. V. Ivannikov, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, T. Ebel, Large-scale phase-field simulations of solid state sintering of metallic powders, Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1 - 4, 2023. Abstract

  11. P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, Optimizing multigrid smoothers for high-order matrix-free FEM computations, Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium 2023, Leibnitz, Austria, September 11 - 13, 2023. Abstract

  12. B. Z. Temür, N. Fehn, P. Munch, M Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, A matrix-free discontinuous Galerkin solver for unsteady Darcy flow in anisotropic porous media, 10th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Vienna, Austria, September 10-13, 2023. Abstract

  13. S. Proell, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, A highly efficient computational model for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts, Sim-AM 2023, Munich, Germany, July 26 - 28, 2023. Abstract

  14. M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, N. Much, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, Metal additive manufacturing melt pool modeling based on a novel FEM-based multi-physics model including melting and evaporation, Sim-AM 2023, Munich, Germany, July 26 - 28, 2023. Abstract

  15. N. Much, M. Schreter, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, Mathematically consistent representation of interface fluxes for finite-element-based melt pool modeling in metal additive manufacturing, Sim-AM 2023, Munich, Germany, July 26 - 28, 2023. Abstract

  16. M. Schreter-Fleischhacker, N. Much, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C. Meier, A novel finite element formulation for thermal multi-phase flow including melting and evaporation with application to metal additive manufacturing melt pool modeling, GAMM: 93rd Annual Meeting, Dresden, Germany, May 30 - June 2, 2023. Abstract

  17. P. Munch, V. Ivannikov, M. Kronbichler, Application and tailoring of matrix-free algorithms to many-particle solid-state-sintering phase-field implementations, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 26 - March 3, 2023. Abstract

  18. M. Fehling, P. Munch, W. Bangerth, Global-coarsening multigrid for hp-adaptive finite element computations, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 26 - March 3, 2023. Abstract

  19. 2022
  20. N. Much, M. Schreter, P. Munch, M Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, C Meier, A novel finite element formulation for thermal multi-phase flow including melting and evaporation: application to additive manufacturing melt pool modeling, 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Essen, Germany, September 21-23, 2022.

  21. N. Fehn, M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, W. A. Wall, On numerical evidence of anomalous energy dissipation, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC14), Athens, Greece, September 13 - 16, 2022

  22. M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, I. Dravins, M. Neytcheva, Performance of stage-parallel implicit Runge-Kutta methods with fast multigrid methods, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE) 2022, Reykjavik, Island, July 25-29, 2022

  23. M. Bergbauer, P. Munch, A. Massing, M. Kronbichler, W. A. Wall, Comparison of stabilization techniques for CutDG methods, 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022. Abstract

  24. I. Dravins, M. Neytcheva, O. Axelsson, P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, On stage-parallel preconditioning of implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Preconditioning 2022, Chemnitz, Germany, June 8-10, 2022. Abstract

  25. P. Munch, T. Heister, L. Prieto Saavedra and M. Kronbichler, A comparative study of global coarsening and local smoothing multigrid methods on locally refined meshes for distributed matrix-free FEM computations, 17th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, virtual, April 4-8, 2022. Abstract

  26. 2021
  27. M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, N. Fehn, Efficient multigrid solvers for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations via matrix-free operator evaluation, 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2021, Valencia, Spain, July 7-9, 2021. Abstract

  28. 2019
  29. P. Munch, N. Fehn, W. A. Wall, M. Kronbichler, SIMD vectorization for high-order matrix-free finite element computations in CFD, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19), Spokane, Washington, USA, February 25 - March 1, 2019. Abstract

Presentations and invited talks

  1. P. Munch, Cut Galerkin difference methods and more, 11th deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, August 12 - 16, 2024. PDF

  2. L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch, Bruno Blais, Breaking free from the matrix: a stabilized Navier-Stokes perspective using Lethe, 11th deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, August 12 - 16, 2024. PDF

  3. P. Munch, Matrix-free finite-element computations and preconditioning, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, March 6, 2024.

  4. 2023
  5. P. Munch, Matrix-free finite-element computations at extreme scale and for challenging applications, Chair of Numerical Mathematics, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, November 20, 2023.

  6. P. Munch, High-dimensional finite-element computations with deal.II and hyper.deal, Chair of Optimal Control, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, March 30, 2023.

  7. P. Munch, Matrix-free finite-element computations in deal.II, IGTE - Institut für Grundlagen und Theorie der Elektrotechnik, TU Graz, Graz, Austria, March 20, 2023.

  8. 2021
  9. M. Kronbichler, P. Munch, Recent advances in matrix-free, multigrid, non-matching, and simplex support in deal.II., 9th deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, virtual one-day meeting, June 18, 2021. PDF

  10. P. Munch, D. Paukner, I. Scheider, deal.II workshop, virtual three-day workshop at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon and Technical University of Hamburg, April 19-21, 2021, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

  11. P. Munch, Current status of simplex support in deal.II, deal.II Simplex Workshop 2021, virtual three-day workshop, January 13-15, 2021, PDF

  12. 2020
  13. P. Munch, K. Kormann, M. Kronbichler, Solving the high-dimensional Vlasov equation with deal.II and hyper.deal, 8th deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, virtual one-day meeting, May 26, 2020. PDF, VIDEO

  14. 2019
  15. P. Munch, M. Allalen, M. Kronbichler , P. O. Conbhuı́, P. Kanduri, deal.II on GPU, final presentation at EuroHack19, Lugano, Switzerland, September 29 - October 4, 2019. PDF

  16. P. Munch, M. Kronbichler, Efficient, large-scale simulations on complex geometries - using a hybrid multigrid solver and a fully distributed triangulation, 7th deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, August 6 - 9, 2019. PDF


  1. P. Munch, (Matrix-Free) FEM for Challenging Applications, Workshop "Numerical Methods for PDEs and Their Applications", Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, June 3-7, 2024.


Supervised student projects

  1. Immersed boundary method for melt-front propagation for finite-element-based melt-pool modeling in metal additive manufacturing, Term Paper (TUM School of Engineering and Design, TUM), Simon Völkl, 2023, in cooperation with Magdalena Schreter

  2. Analysis of surface tension in two-phase flows, Master's Thesis (Department of Mathematics, TUM), Judith Pauen, 2021, in cooperation with Magdalena Schreter and Martin Kronbichler

  3. Efficient shock-capturing approaches for matrix-free high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods, Master's Thesis (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TUM), David Schneider, 2020, in cooperation with Martin Kronbichler

  4. Massively parallel PDE solutions: coupling the sparse-grid combination technique with an efficient matrix-free finite element solver, Project (University of Stuttgart), Marius Goehring, 2021, in cooperation with Theresa Pollinger

  5. An efficient hybrid multigrid solver for adaptive meshes, Master's Thesis (Computational Science and Engineering, Department of Informatics, TUM), Laura Prieto Saavedra, 2020, in cooperation with Martin Kronbichler

  6. Cache-efficient enumeration of degrees of freedom for high-order FEM on modern CPU hardware, IDP (Interdisciplinary Project, Department of Informatics, TUM), Alex Roschlaub, 2019, in cooperation with Martin Kronbichler

  7. High-order discontinuous Galerkin simulations of Joukowsky and NACA airfoils, Bachelor's Thesis (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TUM), Elias Dejene, 2019

  8. Implementation and validation of a quasistatic elasticity FEM-solver, student project (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TUM), Daniel Dengler

  9. Performance analysis of high-order finite element algorithms, IDP (Interdisciplinary Project, Department of Informatics, TUM), Karlo Kraljic, 2019, in cooperation with Martin Kronbichler

  10. Numerical investigations on the efficiency of an in-house high-order discontinuous Galerkin flow solver compared to OpenFOAM, Master's Thesis (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TUM), Yingxian Wang, 2019, in cooperation with Niklas Fehn
